Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Down with the scaffold

Well, a bit of time has lapsed since the last blog post. Progress has slowed since the cold has set in. Grant finished the sanding - finally - and has bought the paint. Unfortunately, the paint needs 16 degrees or higher to set properly and we are lucky to get above 13 in the middle of the day at the moment. The only option is to create an enclosed space around the sculpture to heat it. Otherwise, wait until the weather warms up.

Grant needs a good 6 or 8 hours of this temperature to do a coat. It is disappointing to be delayed at this final stage.

Grant decided to take the scaffold down since it is costing a lot in hire each month. He is planning to build another frame around the gantry to either create a tent for heating or else just a shelter for painting later in the season.

Yes, that's me. Freezing cold and in the rain being Miss Safety First. It was a bit scary standing up there dismantling the railing around me. It took half the time to take the scaffold down as putting it up.

It was cool to get these different perspectives on the sculpture. There will be this view at the train station, looking down on it from the railway pedestrian bridge.

Starting at the top, the scaffold is taken apart and thrown to the ground.

Half way there. We stopped because of the rain and finished up the next morning. It is amazing to see it wet and under this much light. Grant has done a fantastic job finishing the surface. It looks flawless to me.